Oligometastatic precision: Examining the efficacy of Enzalutamide combined with androgen deprivation therapy in prostate cancer.

Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology and Innovation (ajpti)

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Opinion Article- Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology and Innovation(2023)

Oligometastatic precision: Examining the efficacy of Enzalutamide combined with androgen deprivation therapy in prostate cancer.

Xinxin Yen*
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia
*Corresponding Author:
Xinxin Yen, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia, Email:

Received: 17-Nov-2023, Manuscript No. AJPTI-23-123680; Editor assigned: 20-Nov-2023, Pre QC No. AJPTI-23-123680 (PQ); Reviewed: 04-Dec-2023, QC No. AJPTI-23-123680; Revised: 11-Dec-2023, Manuscript No. AJPTI-23-123680 (R); Published: 18-Dec-2023


The efficacy of combining enzalutamide with Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT) in the management of oligometastatic Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer (HSPC). Oligometastasis, a state characterized by a limited number of metastatic lesions, presents a unique opportunity for targeted intervention. The review focuses on clinical trials and studies investigating the impact of enzalutamide in conjunction with ADT, exploring the potential benefits, treatment outcomes, and future directions for optimizing the management of oligometastatic HSPC.

Prostate cancer remains a leading cause of cancer-related morbidity and mortality in men globally. The identification and characterization of oligometastatic Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer (HSPC) have opened new avenues for targeted therapeutic strategies. The current literature on the efficacy of enzalutamide, a potent androgen receptor inhibitor, when combined with Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT) in the context of oligometastatic HSPC. Understanding the impact of this combination therapy is crucial for refining treatment approaches and improving outcomes in this specific subgroup of patients.

Enzalutamide exerts its therapeutic effects by competitively inhibiting the androgen receptor, preventing androgen binding and subsequent nuclear translocation. This mechanism leads to the suppression of androgen signaling pathways, critically impacting the growth and survival of prostate cancer cells. Enzalutamide has demonstrated clinical efficacy in various stages of prostate cancer, including metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer (mCRPC). Its success in advanced disease sets the stage for exploring its potential benefits in earlier stages, particularly in the oligometastatic setting. Oligometastasis in HSPC refers to a state where a limited number of metastatic lesions are present, suggesting a more localized and potentially curable disease. Identifying patients with oligometastasis is crucial for tailoring treatment strategies and optimizing therapeutic outcomes.

Oligometastatic prostate cancer represents a unique clinical scenario where aggressive localized treatment may lead to improved disease control and potentially delay disease progression. Combining systemic therapies, such as enzalutamide and ADT, with local treatments is a rational approach to capitalize on the oligometastatic state. The CHAARTED and STAMPEDE trials have significantly contributed to our understanding of combining ADT with novel agents in hormone-sensitive prostate cancer. This section provides an overview of the trial designs, patient populations, and key findings related to the use of enzalutamide in oligometastatic HSPC.

Analyzing treatment outcomes, including progression-free survival, overall survival, and Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) response, sheds light on the potential benefits of incorporating enzalutamide into the treatment paradigm for oligometastatic HSPC. Consideration is given to patient selection and the impact on quality of life. Identifying reliable biomarkers for patient stratification is essential for optimizing treatment selection. The research aimed at identifying predictive biomarkers that can guide the use of enzalutamide in the oligometastatic HSPC setting.

Investigating the role of enzalutamide in combination with other therapies, such as immunotherapy or radiotherapy, and determining optimal sequencing strategies is crucial for refining treatment approaches. This section discusses ongoing trials and potential synergies with emerging therapeutic modalities. The comprehensive review of the current evidence surrounding the efficacy of enzalutamide in combination with ADT for the treatment of oligometastatic HSPC. The exploration of clinical trials, treatment outcomes, and future directions underscores the evolving landscape of therapeutic options for patients in this specific clinical scenario. As research continues to unfold, integrating enzalutamide into the management of oligometastatic HSPC holds the promise of improving outcomes and providing personalized treatment approaches for this subset of patients.

Citation: Yen X. Oligometastatic precision: Examining the efficacy of enzalutamide combined with androgen deprivation therapy in prostate cancer. AJPTI 2023;11 (45):1.