Exploring the potential of natural polysaccharide polymers for pulmonary drug delivery applications.

Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology and Innovation (ajpti)

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Commentary- Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology and Innovation(2024)

Exploring the potential of natural polysaccharide polymers for pulmonary drug delivery applications.

Bonnie M Waltham*
Department of Medicine, University of Chicago, Maryland, USA
*Corresponding Author:
Bonnie M Waltham, Department of Medicine, University of Chicago, Maryland, USA, Email:

Received: 27-Mar-2024, Manuscript No. AJPTI-24-137058; Editor assigned: 29-Mar-2024, Pre QC No. AJPTI-24-137058 (PQ); Reviewed: 12-Apr-2024, QC No. AJPTI-24-137058; Revised: 19-Apr-2024, Manuscript No. AJPTI-24-137058 (R); Published: 29-Apr-2024


Pulmonary drug delivery offers a promising route for the treatment of respiratory diseases and systemic conditions due to the large surface area and extensive vascularization of the lungs. Natural polysaccharide polymers, derived from renewable sources such as plants, algae, and microorganisms, have gained increasing attention as excipients and carriers for pulmonary drug delivery systems. The overview of the properties of natural polysaccharide polymers, their advantages and challenges in pulmonary drug delivery, and recent advancements in their application for targeted and sustained drug release in the lungs. Strategies for enhancing the biocompatibility, stability, and mucoadhesive properties of polysaccharide-based formulations are discussed, along with future directions and potential clinical implications of these innovative drug delivery approaches.

Pulmonary drug delivery offers numerous advantages for the treatment of respiratory diseases, such as asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), and cystic fibrosis, as well as systemic conditions requiring rapid onset of action and reduced systemic side effects. Natural polysaccharide polymers, including cellulose derivatives, chitosan, alginate, and hyaluronic acid, exhibit excellent biocompatibility, biodegradability, and low toxicity, making them attractive candidates for pulmonary drug delivery applications. The current state of research on natural polysaccharide polymers in pulmonary drug delivery and highlights their potential for improving therapeutic outcomes and patient compliance.

Natural polysaccharide polymers possess unique physicochemical properties that make them suitable for pulmonary drug delivery. These polymers are hydrophilic, allowing for efficient hydration and dispersion in aqueous solutions, which is crucial for formulating inhalable drug delivery systems. Furthermore, polysaccharidebased formulations can be tailored to achieve controlled drug release kinetics, prolonging drug residence time in the lungs and enhancing therapeutic efficacy. Additionally, the mucoadhesive properties of polysaccharide polymers facilitate sustained drug delivery and promote local drug retention on the respiratory mucosa, maximizing drug absorption and bioavailability.

The use of natural polysaccharide polymers in pulmonary drug delivery offers several advantages, including biocompatibility, biodegradability, and low immunogenicity, minimizing the risk of adverse effects and tissue damage. Furthermore, polysaccharidebased formulations can be easily modified to achieve site-specific drug targeting and controlled release, enhancing therapeutic efficacy while minimizing systemic exposure and side effects. However, challenges such as poor stability, limited drug loading capacity, and variable mucoadhesive properties may impact the performance of polysaccharide-based inhalation formulations, requiring optimization and formulation adjustments to overcome these limitations.

Recent advancements in polysaccharide-based pulmonary drug delivery have focused on improving formulation stability, enhancing mucoadhesive properties, and achieving targeted and sustained drug release in the lungs. Strategies such as nanoparticle encapsulation, polymer blending, and surface modification with ligands or mucoadhesive polymers have been explored to optimize the performance of polysaccharide-based inhalation formulations. Furthermore, the development of novel drug delivery platforms, including Dry Powder Inhalers (DPIs), Metered-Dose Inhalers (MDIs), and nebulizers, has facilitated the translation of polysaccharide-based drug delivery systems from bench to bedside, offering new therapeutic options for respiratory and systemic diseases.


Natural polysaccharide polymers hold great promise for pulmonary drug delivery applications, offering biocompatibility, biodegradability, and versatile formulation capabilities. Despite challenges associated with formulation stability and drug loading capacity, recent advancements in polymer modification and drug delivery platform development have overcome many of these limitations, paving the way for the clinical translation of polysaccharide-based inhalation formulations. Future research efforts should focus on optimizing formulation strategies, elucidating the mechanisms of drug release and mucosal interaction, and conducting clinical trials to validate the safety and efficacy of polysaccharide-based pulmonary drug delivery systems.

Citation: Waltham MB. Exploring the potential of natural polysaccharide polymers for pulmonary drug delivery applications. AJPTI 2024;12 (47):1.