Editorial on mplementation of an elective course to introduce pharmaceutical sciences research | Abstract

Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology and Innovation (ajpti)

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Editorial on mplementation of an elective course to introduce pharmaceutical sciences research


Ola Ghoneim

To describe the design, implementation, and student perceptions of a pharmaceutical sciences research elective course in a three calendar-year modified block curriculum.
A two-credit elective course was offered to second year (P2) students in an accelerated doctor of pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree program to provide research experience while focusing on problem solving and critical thinking skills. This 30-hour, 1-week long course with five different tracks was delivered using interactive lectures, group discussion, conducting laboratory experiments, and literature review. A survey was administered anonymously to collect student perceptions about the course.
Formative and summative assessments, as well as student perceptions were used to assess the student satisfaction and knowledge. A midpoint evaluation was given at the end of day 3, and a summative assessment was administered in form of a written report at the end of day 5. Students reported a high degree of satisfaction with the course, indicating that the course was well-designed and implemented.
A structured and organized introduction to the research laboratory will provide pharmacy students with meaningful experience in the pharmaceutical sciences and help them interpret the scientific literature better. The course is a successful way of introducing students to laboratory research in pharmaceutical sciences.

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