Critical Survey on the Guidelines under Recommendation of Child Resistant Packaging for Pharmaceutical Products | Abstract

Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology and Innovation (ajpti)

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Critical Survey on the Guidelines under Recommendation of Child Resistant Packaging for Pharmaceutical Products


Sangeeta Singh*, Manish K. Gupta

Child resistant packaging is an integral part of packaging industry. In order to reduce the risk of poisoning in children due to accidental ingestion of hazardous chemicals like over – the – counter (OTC) medications, household items, pesticides & automobile chemicals, led the US Congress to pass the Poison Prevention Packaging Act of 1970 under the authorship of US Senator Frank E. Moss (Politician)1. The introduction of child resistant packaging resulted in considerable drop in the rate of poisoning. Guidelines of various countries help in preventing forty to eighty percent of childhood poisoning. The World Health Organization & UNICEF state that Child Resistant Packaging is one of the best documented success in preventing poisoning in children.

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