A Study On Risk Factors And Clinical Presentations Of Ectopic Pregnancy In Women Attending A Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital
T Lakshmi Suseela1, Y. Aruna2, S Jaya Jyothi3 , M. Venkata Subbaiah4
Background: Ectopic pregnancy is one of the nightmare and a life threatening condition. The rising incidence of ectopic pregnancy in the past few years is due to a number of risk factors which include pelvic inflammatory disease & availability of better diagnostic techniques. There is increased frequency of ectopic after IVF and related techniques. Tubal pregnancy may be due to factors that retard the passage of fertilized ovum, conditions which increase tubal receptivity and factors intrinsic in the conceptus. Aim: The present study was designed to study the risk factors and clinical prentations of ectopic pregnancy attending to a tertiary care centre. Materials and methods: It was a prospective study on 50 cases of ectopic pregnancy conducted in department of obstetrics and gynaecology, RIMS Medical college and general hospital KADAPA, for a period of 2 years were included. Detailed history suggestive of risk factors for ectopic pregnancy, menstrual and obstetric history was taken. general, systemic, abdominal and vaginal examinations were done. Results and Discussion: A total of 12132 deliveries were confirmed during the study period, of which 50 cases of ectopic pregnancies were diagnosed, giving an incidence of o.41%. 74% were in the age group of 21- 30 years. 90% of women were multigravidae and 10% were primigravidae. 64% of the patients had identifiable risk factors, of which past history of PID in 32%, history of previous abortion in 12%, infertility in 10%, history of previous ectopic pregnancy in 4%, usage of IUCD and OCP in 4% each and tubectomy in 10% were noted. 98% had amenorrhea, followed by pain abdomen in 100%, bleeding PV in 82%, fainting and syncopal attack in 6%% of the patients. Pallor in 90%% of the cases, 6% presented with shock was noted. Percentage of haemoglobin was <7 gms in 68% .ectopic pregnancy presents as ruptured ectopic in 48 cases, and unruptured in 2 cases. Conclusion: Increasing awareness among sexually active women and men regarding safe sexual practices and contraception decrease abortions and reduces the risk of ectopic pregnancy. All high risk women should be screened at the earliest with serum B-hCG and TVS. The impact on future fertility can be improved by focusing on primary prevention and early diagnosis before rupture.
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