A Short Review on the Anti-Cancer Activities of Natural Polyphenols | Abstract

Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology and Innovation (ajpti)

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A Short Review on the Anti-Cancer Activities of Natural Polyphenols


Karthik Varma, Sreeraj Gopi*

Cancer continues worldwide disease taking the life of individuals irrespective of their age. There are various types of cancer detected by the doctors worldwide. Cancer is a group of diseases caused by loss of cell cycle control. Cancer is associated with abnormal uncontrolled cell growth. The cause of cancer can be external and internal. It can affect any organs of the human being. Plant derived polyphenols plays a vital role in protecting humans from cancerous diseases. Polyphenols play a major role as a powerful natural anti oxidant which can protect the cells. The review focuses on the role of natural polyphenols as an anti cancer agent.

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